The formal consultation process for the New Pentland Masterplan proposals has concluded. A planning application was recently submitted for our innovative and exciting plans at New Pentland, which if approved would transform an area of unused, fallow land creating jobs, boosting the local economy, launching new shopping and recreation opportunities, creating green space and a children’s play area and providing much needed affordable housing.
All formal representations about the application should be directed to Midlothian Council. However, we are still keen to hear your thoughts or discuss any aspects of the proposals with you.
The proposed site comprises an unused area of land at New Pentland next to Straiton commercial centre and adjoining the junction of the A701 and Pentland Road. Pentland Park Marine Ltd wants to re-purpose the site so that it can make an effective contribution to the local economy and in doing so, bring forward positive benefits for the surrounding community.
Those benefits include: £22.4 million of capital investment, 172 jobs during construction, 145 permanent jobs on completion and affordable and supported housing. The development can also be completed in just two years.
This is an opportunity not previously considered by Midlothian Council. It has emerged as a result of sustained and established demand for new food retail development and other mixed-use commercial and residential interest in this particular location. The proposals will also deliver new amenity greenspace, well-lit footpaths, a children’s play park and other community facilities as well as a range of new homes for the elderly.
Note: The annotated areas shown on the plan - in shades of pink - are land use allocations proposed by Midlothian Council in the Midlothian Local Development Plan (2017). They do not form part of our proposals.
These allocations are generally a mixture of housing, commercial/employment and leisure uses. Suggested buffer planting to some areas and internal access roads are also indicated. The potential Edinburgh Arena site is shown in an assumed position. The two alternative routes for the A701 realignment are shown as dashed red and white lines.