Set out below are the details of the masterplan proposals as currently formulated and submitted within a Planning Permission in Principle application (PPiP), following feedback from the pre-application consultation stages. The latter included online exhibitions and live events, consultations with community groups, local residents and elected members both local and national, and formal pre-application engagement with Midlothian Council.
The proposals have been submitted to Midlothian Council by way of a PPiP. This is not a form of detailed planning permission and if approved at PPiP stage there will be further application(s) required to approve the details. The PPiP seeks permission for matters such as general layout, access and circulation, land uses and distribution across the site and general details of environmental protection/enhancement and landscape framework.
You will note from the formal submission to MLC however (add hyperlink again), that the applicant (Pentland Park Marine Ltd.) has committed to a considerable amount of detail at this PPiP stage to show its level of commitment to achieving an exciting and appropriate development masterplan for this site as well as providing comfort to the local community about what it envisages could be achieved.
The PPiP application is supported by a number of technical supporting submissions prepared by professional consultants who are experts in their respective disciplines. Those studies cover matters including ecology, trees, transportation and access, ground conditions, flood risk, drainage, noise and air quality. In addition, there are another two key documents which make up the PPiP submission. Those documents are;
- The Design and Access Statement – (DAS) - where the development of the vision and design components of the current proposals are set out in detail.
- Planning statement, where the component parts of the proposals are detailed and considered against the provisions of the Development Plan and relevant material considerations.
All of these documents can be accessed and considered in full via the Midlothian Council website.
The Applicant
Pentland Park Marine Limited (PPML) is a family-run business which has had an interest in the subject site since the 1940s. They also own and operate Pentland Park, the adjoining residential home park.
The Applicant aspires to see this site make a significant contribution to the local community and economy.
Accordingly, their vision for a mixed use developmentis both innovative and bold. They foresee a new development which fits within its eclectic surroundings, responding to the scale and connectivity opportunities of the setting and future development context, within an important strategic growth corridor.
The Team
PPML has appointed a highly reputed and experienced team of consultants to address all development related aspects of the vision for this land. Indeed, the proposals within this exhibition have been prepared against the background of extensive supporting technical analysis.